Environmental reports for parkinglots, garages, underground parking
In the course of licensing parking lots, garages and underground garages by the public authorities, a report is required which must be created in accordance with the relevant policies and regulations. The report focuses on the effects for the most exposed residents in terms of noise and pollution and involves the prediction of noise and pollutant emissions, within and out of the garage.
Our engineering office has the appropriate software, has years of experience in this sector and will gladly assist you.
→ Exhaust & Air pollutant calculations
→ Road traffic noise
VOLV measurements
Workers are often exposed to high noise and vibration loads. If these loads are too high, health hazards and occupational diseases may result. It was therefore in the austrian noise and vibration regulations (VOLV) prescribed by law, that in all workplaces, construction sites and offices, where workers were exposed to increased noise and vibration stress, evaluation measurements must take place (§ 6 VOLV measurements). Vibration loads occur in the form of hand-arm vibration (hammer drill, motor saw, etc.) and whole-body vibration. (vehicles)
The limits are for hand-arm vibrations 5m / s or whole-body vibration 1.15 m / s. In principle, information regarding noise and vibration load is provided in the manufacturer information. However, in reality, they often do not picture the real situation in the company. Therefore, for legal reasons, it is advisable to check values and to take appropriate countermeasures in the event of any violation. Our company has calibrated measuring equipment and trained personnel to carry out VOLV measurements.
Industrial facilities (bio-mass heating plants, building services, air conditioners, etc.)
For planning of new, or the modernization or expansion of existing industrial plants, it may be necessary, to create an environmental report for the Department of Environmental Protection. For this purpose, the sound-emission data of the facility is checked and their sound power level is determined by measurement. These characteristics form the basis for emission side sound immission calculations and serve as a basis for the preparation of corresponding noise grid maps.
We carry out all necessary measurements and calculations, work out solutions to meet the required limits and create the environmental assessment in cooperation with the authorities.
Airborne and impact sound insulation
Unfortunately it happens again and again that construction defects occur in the construction of residential houses. Improperly laid parquet / laminate flooring or inadequate or nonexistent footfall and airborne sound insulation may result in sound bridges, which subsequently lead to increased noise pollution. If limits defined in the regulations are not met, refurbishment work or financial compensations, such as a reduction in the purchase price, may be invoked.
Our company has trained personnel (generally sworn and court certified expert), which is specialized in the field 20.30 (Acoustics) and gladly supports you in your individual case.
→ Building Acoustics
Operating licences
In austria, all premises (particularly restaurants, bars, manufacturing companies, sports venues, etc.) require an official authorization. This operating licence creates legal certainty in relation to authorities and neighbors. The owner is responsible to review the legal and prescribed provisions in communication every 5 years.
We create the necessary environmental assessments for you and transmit them, if desired, directly to the authorities.
- Measurement and analysis of noise pollution
- Development of measures to reduce noise
- Evaluation of noise reduction measures
- Measurement of sound immission acc. ÖNORM S 5004
- Parkplatzlärmstudie: Untersuchung von Schallemissionen aus Parkplätzen, Autohöfen und Omnibusbahnhöfen sowie von Parkhäusern und Tiefgaragen, Bayerisches Landesamt für Umweltschutz, Augsburg
- ROSINAK & PARTNER: Verkehrs- und umwelttechnische Richtlinien für Garagenprojekte, i.A.d. Magistratsdirektion – Stadtbaudirektion
- Österreichischer Arbeitsring für Lärmbekämpfung (ÖAL): Beurteilung von Schallimmissionen - Lärmstörung im Nachbarschaftsbereich, ÖAL-Richtlinie Nr. 3, Blatt 1, Ausgabe 01.03.2008
- ÖNORM S 5021: Schalltechnische Grundlagen für die örtliche und überörtliche Raumplanung und Raumordnung, Ausgabe 01.04.2010
- Measurement of sound power level acc. ÖNORM EN ISO 3744 and ÖNORM EN ISO 3746
- Acoustic measurements of building facilities and industrial facilities acc. ÖNORM EN ISO 16032
- Acoustic analysis of noise barriers gem. ÖNORM 1793-5 (ADRIENNE method)